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For full documentation, see the VPV User Manual.For other software, see the Gr web page. Download DataDocumentationREADME.txt Explains how to installand use VPV.Sample data filesample.vel 838k Download a sample data file to use as input to VPV.ExecutablesPC The page for downloadingVPV for Microsoft Windows.SGI The page for downloadingVPV for Silicon Graphics computers.Source 46k Download the source code for VPV.Legal NoticeVPV is free software. Permission is hereby granted to use VPVas long as the USGS is given credit for being the original creator of thesoftware and this notice accompanies any redistribution of the software. A modified version of VPV should not be distributed without the recipientsreceiving a copy of the original distribution.Every effort was made to make VPV accurate and \"bug-free\". However,the software is provided \"AS IS,\" without a warranty of any kind. VPV is not guaranteed to work on all data files, or to display correctresults. The USGS shall not be liable for any damages suffered bythe user or any third party as a result of using or distributing the software. The USGS does not guarantee that the software will perform as describedin the accompanying README file, and is not responsible for problems causedif the software does not operate properly.Contact InformationIf you have questions, suggestions, or bug reports, contact one of thepeople listed below.John M. 278-3120Peter E. 278-3125 Accessibility FOIA PrivacyPolicies and Notices 59ce067264