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Essential Beliefs

As Disciples, we are called together around:  a belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; and that Christians are called to be one in Christ. 


We believe in the Bible as revealing God's purpose in the world and the personal freedom to study the scriptures as a guide for faith. 

We gather together in worship and mission in Massillon; and believe our church is part of a bigger gospel movement for wholeness in this fragmented world.

Ministry Together

Both the minister and lay persons lead in worship, service and spiritual growth in our church. 


Communion (the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper) is celebrated in every worship service and open to all who believe in Jesus Christ.


Baptism symbolizes setting aside the life apart from faith in Christ and beginning a new life of trust in God.  Our Disciples tradition believes baptism is for individuals old enough to make this faith decision for themselves and practices baptism by immersion in water.


We respect that not all Christian traditions practice baptism the same way. As believers baptized elsewhere join our community, we are happy to hear your baptism story.

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